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In line with other learned societies, NASS now collects membership fees. These fees support the society journal, Kabiri, serve to maintain the website, and help us continue to further and promote Schelling studies. Fees are required to become a member of NASS.

Two-year membership  for participation in future conferences, including NASS 8. From 2024 onwards, NASS will only be collecting two year membership fees.


The two-year membership fees are:

Full-time Faculty: 160 USD / 200 CAD
Students/Part-time or contingent faculty/Emeriti: 40 USD / 50 CAD

2023 fees

In 2022 and 2023, NASS collected one year membership fees, as we progressively introduced our official membership structure. If you would still like to back-pay your 2023 fee, you may do so. Those who pay their 2023 membership fees by December 31, 2023 will have their names printed at the back of the fourth volume of Kabiri (2023) as the first supporting members of the society. The yearly membership fees were as follows: full-time Faculty: 80 USD / 100 CAD, students/part-time or contingent faculty/Emeriti: 20 USD / 25 CAD.

If you are unsure whether you are on the first supporting members list, please check the list below.



How can I pay my fees?

Fees can be paid via the following methods:

(1) Via Paypal to the North American Schelling Society at

(2) Via e-transfer (CAD only) to

(3) Via cheque payable to the "North American Schelling Society" and sent to:
Kyla Bruff
NASS Treasurer

Carleton University
Department of Philosophy
3A35 Paterson Hall
1125 Colonel By Drive,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6

(4) Via wire transfer:
Recipient's name and Address:

North American Schelling Society

Dept. of Philosophy

230 Elizabeth Ave.

St. John s, NL
A1B 3X9

Transit Code:  40683-002 (*From a US bank, the transit code should be given as: 000240683 instead of 40683-002*)

Account Number: 406830041815


Receipts will be issued for all payments.


Thank you for considering supporting the North American Schelling Society! 



List of the first supporting members of the North American Schelling Society:


Tilottama Rajan

Tommaso Mauri

Miguel Angel Bastarrachea

Lucio Angelo Privitello

Michael Vater

Velimir Stojkovski

Wagner Dalla Costa Felix

Mark Thomas

Kyla Bruff

Louisa Estadieu

Tyler Tritten

Marcela Garcia Romero

Joan Steigerwald

Efrén Marat Ocampo Gutierrez de Velasco

Sakura Yahata

Daniel Deweese

Marie Zovko

Benjamin Norris

Carlos Zorrilla Pina

Ludovica Neri

Giuseppe Paglialunga

James Callahan

Doris Frank

Dale E. Snow

Steven Quevedo

Sean J. McGrath

Chris Morrissey

Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen

Jason Wirth

Joseph Lawrence

Christopher Lauer

Tanehisa Otabe
Jesse Weir
Juan Felipe Guevara Aristizábal
Francesco Di Maio
João Gouveia
Hao Jinhua
Iain Hamilton Grant
Bruce Matthews
Phoebe Page
Rebecca Reichenberg
Andrea Dezi
Ana Maria Guzman Olmos
Andrew Mitchell


© 2023 North American Schelling Society

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